Witwatersrand Lodge holds eight regular meetings a year. Meetings are held on the 3rd Monday of the month, except during the recess months of April, July, September and December.

The lodge conducts its installation meeting in January of each year and officers for the installation are elected at the preceding November meeting.

The lodge also holds special emergency meetings as and when required.

Being an active "visiting" lodge, Witwatersrand lodge attempts to conduct a formal visit to another lodge with at least 7 officers and members, once a month.

To ensure that our workings and ritual are performed at the highest level each meeting is preceded by a rehearsal or "Lodge of Instruction".

At a normal meeting we would take care of the usual business that all organisations do, such as minutes of previous meetings and taking care of financial matters. We vote on various motions and on accepting prospective members. This is normally followed by a ceremony, either for a new member or the progress of a member as he advances through the various levels. The members of the Lodge take part in the ceremony which is in the form of a play with moral lessons etc. The learning of the various parts is challenging and rewarding.

At the Installation meeting in January, there is a ceremony to install the next Master of the Lodge (Chairman) and all the officers for the ensuing year.

Being a member of a Freemasons Lodge entitles you to visit other Lodges almost anywhere in the world, at Wits Lodge we regularly have visitors from local Lodges and often from other countries and constitutions.